If you ask me about my first learning experience you should expect me to tell you much about what I did not like about it. I did not feel part of the community of children and I was only 5 years old.
However, my life at school and my relationship with education suffered a lot in the years I became more and more demanding, I was a teenager and I wanted to be given the best. At that time I was in contrast with some teachers because they were not giving me what I was looking for: education with the best of knowledge........................ University made me realize that noone is perfect and also teachers sometimes make mistakes.
Today I am a middle aged woman teaching teenagers who sometimes have difficulties in studying and learning but I have also learnt that learning goes beyond my best efforts. Some of my students will be successful and speak English well, their success depends on their interests and on what they want to achieve. Those who do not want to learn might decide later to improve their skills and maybe they will be able to cope with the written and spoken language much better in the future than with me now.
on your experience as a learner, what do you think you will be able to get out
of this course? And what ideas do you already have about the future of
have been a learner for a long time now:I was a learner when I went to school
and to university, I am still a learner because I am a teacher and I must cope
with the great demands that come from my principal, the other teachers and my students. I am a teacher of the XXI
century............I need to develop new skills and I have a leading role of being the one who
can choose what and when to do topics and WHICH content in my lessons.In my case I teach English and German so I need to have
good competences to create new materials , assess the students and create an
interesting environment for my students . In addition my
students need to cope with English writing skills, understanding and speaking English at school and in the future at work.
This is a great job but it is very demanding!!
have decided to do this course because I
feel I am involved in education and should know more about the great changes that are going to shape our school systems and what the future of education will be like . We
have entered a new world but not everybody is ready to face this change.
doing this course
about the future of Education I hope I will have learnt that the future is now and it is
under construction and it depends on us- teachers-........ we need to know that the old blackboard and
the piece of chalk have now been
replaced by new technologies and that
teachers are no more those who
only know. Building knowledge is getting
more and more complex but we need to
help our students to create a mental process through which they can learn
better and build further
steps in their process of learning which are worth doing and useful for them as citizens of the world community.
share our work with our students and their families: some students might be in
difficulties and need a special support , once more the teacher will have to be competent and have a positive
approach to meet special needs.
The process of learning is individual : the same teacher will have
students who learn in a different way, thus
we are required to cope with complexity.
I think that in the future
teachers will be able to deal with complex situations thanks to the new
technologies and a better education system from university.
conclude the future of education will be
smart, cool and we will have students who will learn in a different way, following their own interests and also
special attitudes.
number of people involved in education will be bigger and thanks to the new
technologies and blended learning also
people who are not studying today will be given the chance to study.
is and it will be a revolution and
thanks to the new technological devices we
will share more materials among
teachers and students will have more chances to work together and share their
The future of education has
just begun.
The word intelligence comes from latin INTELLECTUS, meaning PERCEPTION.
What do I know about it? Every person is different from the others but
we say that some are more intelligent than the others. But at school we have a lot of bright students who are not successful........so sometimes for teachers it is difficult to build a good learning environment that meets the students' needs and some leave school.........., which is a pity.....
Education sometimes does not care for students who are intelligent......
Have a look at this video about education and intelligence
I feel that it is time to meet the changes of schools and education: teachers alone cannot do it but we need to provide a better way for Learning.
I consider myself a good learner, but I am not a beautiful mind , I am intelligent because I can learn on my own. I wish more students could learn and be successful in spite of today's schools which are sometimes losing appeal because in most state run schools there is no money for doing many interesting activities and students are not motivated...........
Today intelligent boys and girls do not always have a good school, we do need to cope with complexity without having the right tools and a nice environment.
To develop good minds we should create a loving place where students come and love Learning.
INDIRE in Italy analyzed the best schools and places where students of the future might work well.
This is the video: it is a pity that my students cannot rely on the best technlogies and a warming place where they spend six days a week.
That's a very interesting post! Do you also teach to people with disabilities?
RispondiEliminaAlessandro Iannella from COURSERA
Yes, but in my classes we work with teachers who take care of the students who have disabilities. The syllabus can be the same but in some cases we need to plan special projects for students who cannot follow the regular syllabus and help them while they work on computer and prepare their presentations with Italian and a little English. We also have special needs students, those who need special attention , but most of the time they are brilliant. As a teacher of languages I feel that this is very demanding because each student is at the centre of the process of Learning and noone should be left behind.............. but sometimes it can be difficult because we teach 28-26 students and each one is important........
RispondiEliminaGreat blog, your contents are great . Ever since i found your blog I have been reading every single article. Really love the way you took out your time to explain compound sentence. Thank you , you are doing a great job .