
lunedì 21 gennaio 2019

#blogging 28 Safety online

Safe Internet  Day is on 5th February  this year:
This #SID2019, "we are millions, united with one mission: to make the #internet a place where everyone is empowered to use #technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively."

In many schools educators will work on this issue.  Last year  I could learn more about the resources which we can find and use with our  learners.

Educators are used to technology and to  what might happen online but it doesn't mean that students do know much about the risks of the web. While we use our smarphone or our tablet we risk getting trapped and sometimes  we give information about us, which we shouldn't share.  Oversharing can be dangerous and we need to provide tools to help and equip learners to defend themselves.

I created this simple website where I collected resources and data for students and families , in Italian and also in  English to help my students and people who are not familiar with the new technologies.
It was a task for a course online: I learnt a lot while surfing the web.
This is the link to my website :

I really like to find resources online and I do like this  website: Common Sense Education. Usually they run special webinars and provide  helpful resources for students and families too.

Their video library can help educators to present issues in class :

I have used one video they have presented in one of my classes: it was useful to brainstorm the students' ideas about the way they post online. Some do not care, they do not know anything about
their finger print.

If you search online you will find more documents and ideas to start introducing  digital safety in  your  classes: one issue which is becoming a great problem in our schools and also online is  Cyberbullying.

The video is a new one  and it can be used to get the students into the habit of thinking about their mates and how they can make them feel unhappy when they do not respect their privacy .

I will search the web and I will find some more videos to introduce the topic of safety online among the classes I am teaching in February. I suggest educators should do this in their classes and also when doing English.  Our students will benefit from it.

5 commenti:

  1. Thank you for sharing these!! I serve on my school's digital democracy team, and these resources are wonderful. We've already used the Common Sense Media Oversharing video .... so important for students to be cognizant of EVERYTHING they say, do, like online.

    1. Thanks to you. I hope you will find new materials for teaching and be inspired.

  2. Wow, Tiziana, what great resources. I learned much, even the date for #SID2019. Like the other commenter, I have used Common Sense Media, but the others were new to me.

    I will definitely use some of these resources with my class. I agree with you, my students these days also do not think about their digital footprint. I like that Oversharing video. Since my students are all English language learners in Bahrain, I may have them view the video with the transcript. I think there will be lively discussion and responses.

    By the way, that's amazing that you post in Italian and English. Excellent!


    1. Yay! I just found this poster and transcript on the Common Sense Media site:

  3. Thanks to you.
    I will download the pdf. I must say that resources were online and thanks to many educators like SHELLY TERRELL I could learn about them
